What I Do
Hi - I'm Colin Douglas. I'm a Microsoft SQL Server Database Administrator (DBA) at Dot Foods, the nation's largest foodservice redistributor. My primary purpose as a DBA is to make our SQL Server systems fast and dependable. My areas of specialty are performance tuning & optimization, troubleshooting, and automating tasks. I’ve contributed to open-source projects such as DBATools, a Powershell toolkit for SQL Server professionals, as well as SQLWatch, a free SQL Server performance monitoring tool. When I’m not working with database systems, I enjoy web, mobile, and game development.
SQL Server DBA
Handling all administrative tasks such as backup & recovery, high availability & disaster recovery, monitoring, performance tuning & troubleshooting, patching, licensing, and more. Check out my open-source SQLWatch contribution here.
Web Development
Creating full-stack web applications using .NET Core, Bootstrap, Angular, and MySql. I designed, developed, and mangage www.WatersMortgage.com and www.ColinDouglas.com
Game Development
Creating cross-platform games in Unity using best practices and development patterns. I currently have a mobile-based game in development; stay tuned!
Mobile Development
Developing cross-platform mobile apps using a wide range of web-based technologies, such as Apache Cordova, Ionic, and Xamarin.

Index Advisor
Created the underlying process for the Index Advisor dashboard in SQLWatch. This process periodically collects missing index information over time and provides the impact, new index definition, and much more.
T-SQL SQL Server SQLWatch Open-Source
Get-DbaRepPublication quickly finds all transactional, merge, and snapshot publications on a server or database.
Powershell SQL Server DBATools Open-Source
Test-DbaRepLatency creates tracer tokens to determine the latency between all parts of the transactional replication topology for a server, database, or publication.
Powershell SQL Server DBATools Open-Source
Waters Mortgage
Developed, designed, and manage WatersMortgage.com, an online mortgage provider.
Web Development HTML CSS JavascriptMore Projects to come!
About Me

Colin Douglas
SQL Server DBA
I'm a Microsoft SQL Server DBA with 7 years of DBA experience at Dot Foods, the nation's largest foodservice redistributor. I received a BA degree in Computer Science at Monmouth College and I'm currently earning my MBA in IT Management at Western Govenors University. I'm passionate about technology and love what I do. My hobby is programming and learning about new technologies.